You can use the ICT program and open a Branch of your business in Canada!
1. The Canadian Incorporation
You will choose the location of your business in Canada; We will incorporate your Company in Canada and obtain your Canadian Revenue Agency business number.
2. Preparation of Your Business plan
You will describe your business idea in Canada.
We will develop your business plan.
We will explain the Business opportunity in Canada:
Prospective services/business idea.
Stages you will undergo to start the business.
Uniqueness of services offered / competitiveness / innovative nature/ beneficial for the Canadian economy.
3. Your role in Canada
We will explain what will be your role as the Managing director (such as specific duties and responsibilities, leading strategic planning and decision making, overseeing the hiring of local Canadian employees, in charge of the financial aspects, Company management, Company administration and overall direction).
Based on the number of your years of business experience, your primary goal will be to oversee the establishment of the Canadian company and then lead its rapid growth in picking up more clients and taking on more Canadian employees.
Recruitment plan (hiring a sales representative and or administrative assistant, hiring technicians, technical sales specialists).
4. Your proposed Budget for the first 12 months
The budget estimate for the first year of operation will be presented to the Authority.
Example of expenses:
Head Of Expenditure
Salary (based on the number of employees)
Office Rent
Office Equipment
Office Stationery
5. Creation of Canadian employer portal
There will be the upload of offer(s) of employment and creation of job(s) offer.
Don't Miss Part 3:
Filing of your Business Work Permit to Immigration Canada